Monday, 25 May 2009

Mad Men (& Women)

Originally posted 11 February 2009

Today I'd like to discuss the TV show Mad Men. Everybody raves about it and it is an entertaining show, however I would like to critique it just a wee bit.

A) Don Draper series 2. Is it me of are the 60's not being so kind to Mr Draper? His suits aren't as well fitting, he looks a little ill (I suppose that is plot-related) and does he still have his way with the ladies? However I did enjoy the insinuation in Episode 1 Series 2 that he had visited Call Girls, as he could recognise one (whereas nowadays you don't need to sleep with the old guys, instead you marry and then quickly divorce them, much less mucky, I should say).

B) Are those authentic tumblers that they use in all the office meetings? I can't help thinking that they look like miniature vases crossed with glass boule. Very peculiar!

C) Betty Draper: any episode. That woman doesn't ever say 'thank you'. Is this deliberate? Seriously, watch Series 1 and she has an aversion to manners. She does have a fabulous wardrobe though.

D) Pete Campbell. What on earth do Peggy, his wife Trudy or anyone see in his slimy, oddball and impertinent exterior? I have heard that he is a very kind gentleman when not in character but I can't stand him.

E) I am waiting for Mr Cooper (or is it Sterling?) to become an MP so he can meet Carrie Bradshaw at a naked Fireman Calendar judging contest on Staten island....whoops wrong show.

F) and finally the really good news. The characters have their own 'authentic' twitter blogs. Some choice examples below:

and the piece de resistance.....the real star of Series 2....

I still don't know whether Nixon should have won?

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